3D models (18)

Game development wrecks lives & player character progress

When we first started building our player character I couldn't have anticipated all the troubles - and numerous interations - we'd have to wade through. It's been a rocky and educational…

By Pilvinen

Grass test

Grass test. Here we have a grass field composed of grass models with 5 planes (10 tris) and grass models with 6 planes (12 tris).

By Pilvinen

Progress on horse model

The horse model has been progressing nicely. Textures missing.

By Pilvinen

Testing connecting blocks

Textures connecting blocks.

By Pilvinen

The horror that is sending updates to several incompatible social media sites

Dear development diary, I’ve been neglecting you. I’m sorry. I know it’s not a good excuse, but I’ve had so much development work to do that I haven’t been motivated…

By Pilvinen

Wagons and carriages

Been working on an undercarriage of a wagon. The idea is that players can build their own horse drawn wagons and carriages block by block on top of undercarriage. The…

By Pilvinen

Worked on books today

Dear development diary...

By Pilvinen

Moose walk cycle, WIP

By Pilvinen

Jack and Jill

Testing the new models. Still needs texturing.

By Pilvinen

Modular character design

He’s certainly having a bad day. Exploring the modular character design.

By Pilvinen