Voxel (4)

Voxel-demo Csharp version is now open sourced and released

We finally pushed out the Godot Csharp version of our Voxel-demo and related technologies as open source under the permissive MIT-license. You can find them on our Github: https://github.com/starandserpent/Voxel-demo

By Pilvinen

The world gets it's shape

We apologize to all our fanatics that this blog post took us so long. The reason for that is that we've been mostly working on internal engine stuff and putting things together.

By Pawlost

World generation update

Time for another blog post. It has been almost a month since I last made an update, but we have made great progress in world generation. Current state of the…

By Pawlost

Terra is now open source

Terra, our voxel engine, is now open sourced under MIT license and published and you can find it here: https://github.com/starandserpent/Terra Note that it's still heavily under development and missing a…

By Pilvinen